I'm not too sure how to take the chapters in this book any more. The topics I feel that she touches on are in honesty legitimate, but that women have made such a point of "We're tired of being babied, let us be humans too..." that now men just don't care. Besides, I can count almost every 4 out of 5 times I've opened doors for women as well as families and not even gotten an acknowledging look, more of less a thank you. Now the part she touches on about Seinfeld about the groceries, that's crap and he should have helped yes, but how many times have men tried to help and gotten "I can do it!" Or something like "..Just because I'm a woman doesn't mean I'm help less..." I was raised with class and chivalry, but it seems a waste to try to maintain it for a bunch of ingrates. But on the up side, for all the guys out there who don't have any class, they make my life easier, because when I open a door for a lady and she appreciates it more and I get more brownie points. So BOO-YA!!
1 comment:
Chelle said...
I always appreciate a door being opened for me or a bag being carried in for me. I also enjoy doing these things for other people if I can. It doesn't matter if you are a woman or a man, you should always do as many good deeds as you can. Although it sounds dumb I completely believe in the old saying "what goes around comes around." Doing good deeds and having manners makes me feel better about myself. When my actions go unnoticed or I don't receive a thank you I feel bad for that person and that they were not brought up the right way.
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